Starter course - get started quickly

What is the start-up course "Get started with Rapida"

"Get started with Rapida" is for those who want to get started with training and who want to feel confident in the fitness centre. The course is perfect for those who have trained little, or have never been to a fitness center and want to learn more about strength and endurance training. This is for you who want increased quality in your training from the start. The course also ensures that you will feel safe and comfortable when you train. During the five hours that have been set up, you will learn about training principles, the centre's equipment and facilities as well as tips on how you can put together your own training program to achieve your goals.

The course takes place in groups of 6 people. The groups are made up of participants with the same level of experience.

Concrete goals for the course

  • After completing the course, you should feel safe in your training centre.
  • Be able to use, set and regulate speed on the gym's fitness park.
  • Be able to adapt strength machines to your height, as well as learn smart adjustment of the desired weight load


When and where

April course
Collection 1: on 4 April at 18:00 
Gathering 2: on 6 April at 18:00
Collection 3: on 20 April at 18:00
Collection 4: on 25 April at 18:00
Collection 5: on 27 April at 18:00


May course
Collection 1: on 9 May at 18:00 
Gathering 2: on 11 May at 18:00
Collection 3: on 23 May at 18:00
Collection 4: on 25 May at 18:00
Collection 5: on 30 May at 18:00




The first course is on Rapida Sports Centre

Total price

NOK 1099

Contact information for questions:

The course consists of 5 sessions with a personal trainer where the following is reviewed

  • Collection 1: Get confident at the gym.
    Tour of the center (Cloakrooms, strength park, running park and any other facilities)
  • Collection 2: Basic strength training.
    Review of the centre's strength equipment, what you train and how they are used)
  • Collection 3: Endurance
    Review of the centre's fitness equipment, what you train and how they are used)
  • Collection 4: Personal training at the center with PT available.
    Class where the participants train themselves, PT is available "on the floor" if help and guidance is needed.
  • Collection 5: Personal training at the center with PT available.
    Class where the participants train themselves, PT is available "on the floor" if help and guidance is needed.
Enrollment is binding. 


Fill in the form to get started with the start-up course


We have teamed up with Feel24!

See for more information about our memberships and our centres.

Existing members in Rapida will get access to the new membership app tomorrow, 03/09, and will at the same time get access to all former Rapida centers + all existing Feel24 centers throughout Norway.

If you intend to buy membership now, it can be done easily at

Choose your main centre

(This is only for having a connection to a main centre, with this you can train at all our training centers apart from Rapida Balance)