
Information campaign at Rapida

That regular exercise and physical activity provides countless health benefits is a poorly hidden secret. But that adults spend an average of 9 hours per day in a sitting position,

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Waterwell comes to Rapida

On January 10, 2022, Waterwell will come to Rapida. Waterwell is a new and green concept that we are very happy to introduce to the fitness centres

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Covid-19 – December 2021

New national guidelines to prevent further infection of the Covid-19 virus in Norway Last night the government presented new measures that will contribute to

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We have teamed up with Feel24!

See for more information about our memberships and our centres.

Existing members in Rapida will get access to the new membership app tomorrow, 03/09, and will at the same time get access to all former Rapida centers + all existing Feel24 centers throughout Norway.

If you intend to buy membership now, it can be done easily at

Choose your main centre

(This is only for having a connection to a main centre, with this you can train at all our training centers apart from Rapida Balance)