Information campaign at Rapida

That regular exercise and physical activity provide countless health benefits is a poorly hidden secret. But that adults spend an average of 9 hours per day in a sitting position, or that exercise has a documented effect on those who struggle with anxiety, perhaps you were not as aware?

Vi i Rapida har et brennende engasjement for trening og én av våre oppgaver er å opplyse dere om alle fordelene en aktiv hverdag gir.  Derfor vil vi i vår artikkelserie: «Visste du at…» gi deg flere gode grunner til at du burde prioritere trening i tiden fremover.Hver tirsdag de neste ti ukene, vil vi formidle informasjon rundt trening, som du kanskje ikke var klar over. Disse vil bli sluppet i våre kanaler på SoMe og alt er selvfølgelig forankret i evidensbasert forskning.

Følg vår artikkelserie: «Visste du at…»


We have teamed up with Feel24!

See for more information about our memberships and our centres.

Existing members in Rapida will get access to the new membership app tomorrow, 03/09, and will at the same time get access to all former Rapida centers + all existing Feel24 centers throughout Norway.

If you intend to buy membership now, it can be done easily at

Choose your main centre

(This is only for having a connection to a main centre, with this you can train at all our training centers apart from Rapida Balance)